Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Skin Tight For the New Year!

As you make your New Year's party plans and even ponder your resolutions for looking great in 2010, you might like to know your options to take care of a number of aging skin issues. Most of us want a nice , tight jawline, less wrinkles and age spots. And we'd like to do it quickly and in the least invasive way.

It gets confusing sorting out all the different options but Kim Asack, who is a master aesthetician at Vitalia Medspa www.vitaliamedspava.com in Falls Church gave me a great description of their skin tightening procedure called ReFirme plus some other services that you can use for a complete anti-aging program.

Q: What is your training in skin care?

A: I have had a Va. Cosmetologist license for over thirty years. Skin care and laser treatments have always been covered under that license until recently, but I have been "grad fathered in" to being a master aesthetician based on the years of experience of being one the the most experienced technicians nationally.
I received laser training starting in 1999, when I attended Light Speed Institute, in Naples Fl. It was one of the first laser schools that opened nationally.
I have attended more than 40 aesthetic medical conferences since that time to keep up with the newest technology and techniques.

Q: What is the ReFirme? What steps and products do you use?

A: ReFirme is considered a medical procedure. It is used predominately on faces to tighten skin with the use of radio frequency.

It can also be used in other areas for instance the abdominal post pregnancy.

The class two medical device has a hand piece that emits a polarized current over the surface of the skin that tightens skin. It slides over an aloe vera gel that acts as a conductor to create a thermal reaction to effectively tighten lax skin. It's particularly effective on the lower jowl area and neck and is safe enough to be used on upper eye lids.

I tend to treat one side on the face for about 30 minutes and let the patient see the difference which is subtle, but very effective.

I give realistic expectations during consultations. It's not a face lift by any means but it is safe, comfortable and works consistently on all skin types.

In my opinion, it is by far the most effective skin tightening treatment on the market for those who are not wanting a surgical procedure.

Q: Who is a good candidate for one--what skin type or problems would they have?

A: Anyone who is concerned with loose skin. ReFirme is safe for all skin types.

As skin ages, skin become lax, sags, and has spots (broken veins, lines, age spots, sun damage).

Most patients over the age of 40 most likely would be a good candidate for a combination laser series that would address all the aspects of aging.

That would be ReFirme (for sagging) Skin rejuvenation (for spots)and Matrix (for lines).

Skin rejuvenation is our only tool that may not recommend to our darker skin patients.

Q: What is the cost?

A: A combination package cost approximately $1800. It would be customized for the patients concerns.

ReFirme alone cost $450 per treatment or a package of 5 can be purchased for $1800.

Both are an excellent value.

Q: How will your skin look after wards--will there be any redness or blotchiness or can you get one right before an event?

A: These are considered "no down time" treatments". Only a slight pinkness may happen in the very short term.

Make up can be applied following the treatment.

Q: How often should you get treaments for optimal results?

A: It is recommended a patient receive three to five treatments based on how lax the skin is and the age of the patient. The treatments are spaced three weeks apart.

After the original series a the patient is recommended to maintain the tightness with a one time treatment every six months.

Vitalia Medspa 7506
Leesburg Pike
Falls Church, VA 22043
703-356-SKIN (7546)


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